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Press releases
SMILE Online Workshop & EEN Matchmaking Event
On the July 8th 2020, H2020 SMILE organized an online workshop and matchmaking event together with Enterprise Europe Network. During this event participants had the possibility to learn about the different Smart Grid technologies demonstrated on islands of Samsø,...
Samsø receives its first performance data and the results are very positive!
From April 2020 the SMILE performance measurements started pouring in. Over a period of seven months, which included the busy summer period, the photovoltaic panels supplied 47% of the energy demand in the Ballen marina Today in Samsø when the photovoltaic panels...
EnergiasMadeira-platform has officially been launched!
Within the scope of the SMILE project, financed by the European Commission, through the Horizon 2020 program, the EnergiasMadeira-platform was publicly presented on the 3rd of November. EnergiasMaderia is a platform that aims to be an interactive information source...
The RESponsible Island Prize winners were announced – two SMILE islands among the winners!
The European Commission has launched the first edition of the RESponsible Island Prize in March 2019. The prize was dedicated to innovative islands which produce their own sustainable local renewable energy for use in electricity, heating, cooling and...
Making Islands Sustainable – An Interactive Workshop on Texel
We are delighted to announce that seventy participants were present during the interactive workshop day on Texel on the 28th of November! We aimed to use the knowledge and experience gained on the islands of Madeira, Samsø and Orkney to develop concrete sustainability...
First SMILE local workshop in the Greek island of Rhodes hailed a success!
On 18 March DAFNI Network and the Municipality of Rhodes jointly hosted in Rhodes the first SMILE local workshop in Greece titled “Innovative solutions and policies for the energy transition of the Greek islands”. In a time when islands rank high at EU’s energy and...
Highlights From Orkney
Participant Recruitment To date, significant effort has been made by the local team focussed on recruiting homeowners in the project to register their interest to potentially receive new grid-smart equipment. Over 110 homeowners have approached CES to register...
Civic engagement at Samso Energy Fair
The Samso energy fair on 13 October 2018 attracted many visitors with an inquiring mind. SMILE staff discussed the photovoltaic plant with a battery, which is due next year on the Ballen marina. The local installer, Stjerne, organised the fair, and many large...
Photovoltaic plant to be built on Samsø
SMILE will implement an integrated energy system at the Ballen marina and its surrounds to meet the energy needs of the island. The Samsø island produces more electricity than it can actually consume owing to its offshore and onshore wind power plants. Currently,...
SMILE General Assembly in Madeira
On 12 and 13 October, the second General Assembly for the SMILE project took place. This time all participants got together in Madeira, one of the pilot islands. The meeting was hosted by the Madeira Chamber of Commerce and Industry (ACIF/CCIM) and the group...
SMILE Catalogue
Brochure SMILE project
Roll-up banner SMILE project
Information poster SMILE project
Ballen Havn tester intelligent elnet
Ballen Marina tests intelligent power grid
D2.1: Schematic and technical description of Orkney DSM system architecture
D2.4: Design Specification for Orkney Demand Side Management System
D2.7: Report on 24 months of system operation
D3.1: Specifications and data report for the Samsø pilot
D3.4: Requirements Specification
D3.5: Development Plan for the SMILE Case in Ballen
D3.6: Demand response evaluation for the system
D3.8: Demand response evaluation for the system -Final Version
D4.1: Case study specification and assessment
D4.2: Infrastructure preparation and kick-off
D4.3: Data collection, modelling, simulation and decision
D4.5: Detailed plan of action for the DSM demo
D4.6: Detailed plan of action for the EV smart charging demo
D4.7: Installation report of the DSM demo
D4.8: Installation report of the EV smart charging demo
D4.10: Report on market acceptance and replicability
D4.11: Installation report of the DSM demo
D4.12: Installation report of the EV smart charging demo
D4.14: Report on market acceptance and replicability
D5.1: Most appropriate DR services for each pilot
D6.1: Report on selected evaluation indicators
D6.3: Report on LCA/LCC tool and results
D6.4: Cost-benefit analysis, cost-effectiveness analysis and social impact
D6.5: Extended market report on SMILE solutions
D6.6: SMILE business cases and financial mechanisms
D7.1: Regulating Electricity Storage
D7.2: Integrating electricity and heat supply systems
D7.3: Developing Micro-grids in the EU
D7.4: Balancing Local Grids
D7.5: Recommendations on standards and potential technical barriers
D8.1: Reference energy simulation models for the three pilot islands
D8.2: Medium term scenarios for the three pilot islands
D8.4: Energy market recommendations
D8.5: Policy strategy recommendations
D9.4: SMILE Newsletters
D9.6: SMILE Press Releases
D9.5: SMILE Replication Plan
Conference papers
Marczinkowski, H, M., Østergaard, P, A., Jantzen, J., Kristensen, M. (2018, September 30 – October 4). Business and Socioeconomic Assessment of Introducing Heat Pumps with Heat Storage in Small-scale District Heating Systems. Proceeding 13th conference on Sustainable Development of Energy, Water and Environment Systems, SDEWES 2018, Palermo, Italy.
Chapaloglou, S., Nesiadis, A., Atsonio, K., Nikolopoulos, N., Grammelis, P., Kakaras, E. (2018, June 20). Modelling and simulation of a predictive BESS controller based on load forecasting in a South European island power system. Guimaraes, Portugal.
Iliadis, P., Domalis, S., Nesiadis, A., Atsonios, K., Chapaloglou, S., Nikolopoulos, N., Grammelis, P. (2019, August 21). Advanced energy management system based on PV and load forecasting for load smoothing and optimized peak shaving of islanded power systems. E3S: Web of Conferences, Greece.
Barreto, M., Pereira, L., Quintal, F. (2019, June 10-14). The Acceptance of energy monitoring technologies: the case of a local prosumer. ICT4S: Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on ICT for Sustainability, Lappeenranta, Finland.
Quintal, F., Scuri, S., Barreto, M., Pereira, L., Vasconcelos, D., Pestana, D. (2019, May 4-9). MyTukxi: Low Cost Smart Charging for Small Scale EVs. CHI EA 2019: Extended Abstracts of the 2019 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, Glasgow, UK.
Busic, A., Hasmi, U, Md., Pereira, L. (2019, June 23-27). Energy Storage in Madeira, Portugal: Co-optimizing for Arbitrage, Self-Sufficiency, Peak Shaving and Energy Backup. 2019 IEEE Milan PowerTech, Milan, Italy.
Scuri, S., Tasheva, G., Barros, L., Nunes, N. (2019, September 2-6). An HCI Perspective on Distributed Ledger Technologies for Peer-to-Peer Energy Trading. 17th IFiP TC. 13 International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction – INTERACT 2019, Paphos, Cyprus.
Pillai, J. R., Ponnaganti P., Bak-Jensen, B. (2019, September 29 – October 2). Maximizing the self-consumption of Solar-PV using Battery Energy Storage System in Samso-Marina. ISGT-Europe 2019 – Proceedings of 2019 IEEE PES Innovative Smart Grid Technologies Europe, Bucharest, Romania.
Pereira, L., Cavaleiro, J. (2019, October 14-17). On the Value Proposition of Battery Energy Storage in Self-Consumption Only Scenarios: A Case-Study in Madeira Island. IECON 2019 – 45th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society, Lisbon, Portugal.
Busic, A., Hasmi, U, Md., Cavaleira, J., Pereira, L. (2020, February 17-20). Sizing and Profitability of Energy Storage for Prosumers in Madeira, Portugal. IEEE: 2020 IEEE Power & Energy Society Innovative Smart Grid Technologies Conference (ISGT), Washington DC, USA.
Barros, L., Barreto, M., Pereira, L. (2020, June 21-27). Understanding the Challenges Behind Electric Vehicle Usage by Drivers – A Case Study in the Madeira Autonomous Region. 7th International Conference on ICT for Sustainability – ICT4S 2020, Bristol, UK.
Jozwiak, D., Pillai, J. R., Ponnaganti P., Bak-Jensen, B. (2021, September 6-8). Smart Island Energy Systems: Case Study of Ballen Marina on Samsø. SEST 2021 – 4th International Conference on Smart Energy Systems and Technologies, Vaasa, Finland.
Journal articles
Marczinkowski, H, M., Østergaard, P, A. (2018). Residential Versus Communal Combination of Photovoltaic and Battery in Smart Energy Systems. Energy, 152, 466-475.
Marczinkowski, H, M., Østergaard, P, A., Jantzen, J., Kristensen, M. (2019). Business and socioeconomic assessment of introducing heat pumps with heat storage in small-scale district heating systems. Journal of Renewable Energy, 139, 904-914.
Pramangioulis, D., Atsonios, K., Nikolopoulos, N., Grammelis, P., Kakaras, E. (2019). A methodology for determination and definition of Key Performance Indicators for smart grids development in island energy systems. Journal of Energies, 12 (2), 242.
Chapaloglou, S., Nesiadis, A., Iliadis, P., Atsonios, K., Nikolopoulos, N., Grammelis, P., Yiakopoulos, C., Antoniadis, I., Kakaras, E. (2019). Smart energy management algorithm for load smoothing and peak shaving based on load forecasting of an island’s power system. Journal of Applied Energy, 238, 627-642.
Marczinkowski, H, M., Østengaard, P, A., Djørup, S, R. (2019). Transitioning Island Energy Systems – Local Conditions, Development Phases and Renewable Energy Integration. Energies, 12 (18), 3484.
Marczinkowski, H, M., Østengaard, P, A. (2019). Evaluation of Electricity Storage Versus Thermal Storage as Part of Two Different Energy Planning Approaches for the Islands Samsø and Orkney Energy, 176, 505-514.
Carli, R., Dotoli, M., Jantzen, J., Kristensen, M., Othman, S. (2020). Energy Scheduling of a Smart Microgrid with Shared Photovoltaic Panels and Storage: the Case of the Ballen Marina in Samsø. Energy, 198, 117188.
Marczinkowski, H, M., Barros, L. (2020). Technical approaches and institutional alignment to 100% renewable energy system transition of Madeira Island – Electrification, smart energy, and the required flexible market conditions. Energies, 13(17), 4434.
Iliadis, P., Ntomalis, S., Atsonios, K., Athanasios, N., Nikolopoulos, N., Panagiotis, G. (2020). Energy management and techno‐economic assessment of a predictive battery storage system applying a load levelling operational strategy in island systems. International Journal of Energy Research, 2020, 1-19.
Violidakis, I., Atsonios, K., Iliadis, P., Nikolopoulos, N. (2020). Dynamic modeling and energy analysis of renewable heating and electricity systems at residential buildings using phase change material based heat storage technologies. Journal of Energy Storage, 32, (101942).
Ntomalis, S., Iliadis, P., Atsonios, K., Nesiadis, A., Nikolopoulos, N., Grammelis, P. (2020). Dynamic Modeling and Simulation of Non-Interconnected Systems under High-RES Penetration: The Madeira Island Case. Energies, 13(21), 5786.
Pereira, L., Cavaleiro, J., Barros, L. (2020). Economic Assessment of Solar-Powered Residential Battery Energy Storage Systems: The Case of Madeira Island, Portugal. Applied Sciences, 10 (20), 7366.
Mauger, R. (2021). Cast Away? How EU Energy Law Provides for a Just Transition for EU Islands. OGEL, 2021(1), 1-16.
Kolokas, N., Ioannidis, D., Tzovaras, D. (2021). Multi-Step Energy Demand and Generation Forecasting with Confidence Used for Specification-Free Aggregate Demand Optimization. Energies, 2021, 14 (11), 3162.
Pestana, C., Barros, L., Scuri, S., Barreto, M. (2021). Can HCI Help Increase People’s Engagement in Sustainable Development? A Case Study on Energy Literacy. Sustainability 2021, 13(14), 7543.
Jozwiak, D., Pillai, J. R., Ponnaganti, P., Bak-Jensen, B., Jantzen, J. (2021). Optimising Energy Flexibility of Boats in PV-BESS Based Marina Energy Systems. Energies 2021, 14(12), 3397.
Kartalidis, A., Atsonios, K., Nikolopoulos, N. (2021). Enhancing the self-resilience of high-renewable energy sources, interconnected islanding areas through innovative energy production, storage, and management technologies: Grid simulations and energy assessment. International Journal of Energy Research, 2021, 45(9).
PhD Thesis
Marczinkowski, H. M. (January, 2021). Modelling Renewable Energy Islands: and the Benefits for Energy Planning. Aalborg University, Denmark. Department of Planning.
MSc Thesis
Lyngso, T. (2021). Decarbonization of the electricity, heating, and transport sectors on Samsø. Aarhus University. Department of Engineering.
Tamis, P. (2019). A techno-economic analysis on the replicability of smart grid solutions. Hanze University of Applied Sciences, the Netherlands. Department of Engineering.