Samsø Elektro enters the solar battery market for households

Ballen Marina Samsø Brian Kjær, Samsø Elektro, presented solar batteries at the Samsø Energy fair. It is relevant even for households now.   With a domestic solar battery, households can store the daily solar production, and use the energy after dark. Since...

Conference sustainable islands on Texel success

In the StayOkay in Den Burg (Texel), 70 people met last Thursday to think together about how islands such as Texel can make their energy supply more sustainable. Delegates from the Portuguese island of Madeira, the Scottish archipelago of Orkney and the Danish island...

SMILE attended to the 4th Annual Symposium of HAEE

Smile was represented by Nikos Nikolopoulos from CERTH at the 4th Annual Symposium of the Hellenic Association for Energy Economics (HAEE) on 8th of May! The HAEE – Hellenic Association for Energy Economics (Greek affiliate of the IAEE – The International...

SMILE2MATCH will take place on 4th of July

The SMILE2MATCH event will take place on the 4th of July in Thessaloniki Greece. The event, organized by partners from the Smart Islands Energy Project (SMILE) and the Enterprise Europe Network, provides a great opportunity to initiate new international collaborations...

Latest developments from Orkney

The most important developments in Orkney within SMILE project in the last three months. The project has entered the installation preparation phase with the necessary equipment now being procured and technology readied to be integrated into homes. Final design details...