Every story has an end. This is also the case for the H2020 SMILE project. The project started in May 2017 in Brussels. Now, four and a half years later, the project finished but it is only the beginning of another story: actually, the SMILE results are expected to be used as inspiration for other locations and replicate throughout the world!
SMILE aimed to demonstrate different innovative technological solutions in large-scale smart grid demonstration projects on Madeira (Portugal), Samsø (Denmark), and Orkney Islands (United Kingdom). The solutions are all closely related and vary from the integration of battery technology, power to heat, electric vehicles/boats, energy management system, aggregator approach to demand side management (DSM) and predictive algorithms. For each pilot the aim was to demonstrate operation of the distribution grid under stable and secure conditions. The choice of testing on island locations provides a fundamental advantage as island communities can be more easily engaged in real-life testing of solution aimed at solving important challenges that impact life on the island. The illustration below present the SMILE approach on how different components of the energy system work together in developing a sustainable, reliable, and affordable energy system.

The SMILE website has become a platform of knowledge, experiences, and best practice. Many updates have also been shared through LinkedIn, Twitter, and Facebook. Aiming to inspire others to become one of the frontrunners when it comes to creating Smart Energy Systems on Islands.
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