SMILE is an EU funded project that demonstrates smart energy solutions on three islands – Madeira (Portugal), Orkney (UK) and Samsø (Denmark).
Within SMILE (Smart IsLand Energy SystEm), funded under the Horizon 2020 program, a set of both technological and non-technological solutions adapted to local conditions targeting the distribution grid to empower demand response, smart grid purposes, storage, and energy system embodiment are under development. Three large-scale pilot projects will be enforced in three different regions of Europe with similar topographic properties but different policies, regulations and energy market regulations – the islands Madeira (Portugal), Orkney (UK) and Samsø (Denmark). The overall aim is to analyze solutions while creating reciprocal learning processes and offering best practice guidance for replication in other regions.
“This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 731249”
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