Hannah Mareike Marczinkowsk is a researcher at the Aalborg University in Denmark at the Department of Planning. Hannah handed in her PhD thesis earlier this year and with success! She was willing to share her experiences during the project.
Hannah Mareike Marczinkowsk: ‘I joined the SMILE project right after the kick-off meeting in May 2017 and joined the Aalborg University planning team (AAU PLAN), especially for the tasks related to impact analyses. I might have gotten this opportunity since I am from a (German) island myself and am always interested in working across different cultures, languages and islands. During the work on the energy system modelling, energy market and policy analysis, I learned about the important work done on and with islands and the role they can play in the energy transition. Yet also, I learned that the transition on islands can be very complex and needs further alignments with e.g. European and national energy transitions targets. Very interesting is the opportunity to make comparisons between Samsø, Orkney and Madeira, but also their individual challenges and potentials indicate a need for further island development and island research. The work with SMILE, hence, had great contributions to my PhD research on ‘Modelling Renewable Energy Islands’ and also inspired me to apply for PostDoc funding to continue this work. Therefore, for the upcoming two years I am happy to be able to continue work on the international role and collaboration of islands, their alignment, and streamlining it with general sustainability trends within the sustainable energy planning research group at AAU.’
This PhD thesis on Modelling Renewable Energy Islands contemplates and defines the role of islands in the field of Sustainable Energy Planning. It addresses the Paris Agreement through the uptake of renewable energy technologies and how the 80,000 islands globally may contribute to developing those technologies both on islands and elsewhere. If you are interested in reading the thesis, you can find it here.
If you have any questions regarding the thesis, feel free to reach out to Hannah Mareike Marczinkowski: hmm@plan.aau.dk

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