Global center for renewable energy development – Orkney
SMILE aims to implement domestic heat installs, the EV (Electric Vehicles) charge points and the smart control of the 11kV on-site switching and storage system in Orkney. Planned domestic heat installs will consist of approximately 45 properties with a variety of...
Denmark’s Renewable Energy Island since 1997
The project team in Samsø has extensively worked on possible energy solutions to solve the challenges arising from the fluctuating energy consumption: what type of energy plant should be installed and which size fits better within the project? The main task was to...
Dafni at International Conference CIrCLE2018
Smile Partner Dafni participated in the International Conference CIrClE2018 “Challenges for the Islands in the era of Circular Economy” which was held between 20-22 September, 2018 in Chania, Greece. More than 280 participants from 21 different countries, including...
The Brokerage Event on Energy Systems and SCC 2018
SMILE team was present at the Brokerage Event on Energy Systems and SCC on 5th of October 2018 in Brussel, Belgium. SMILE team is glad to announce that the Project coordinator Giannicola Loriga from RINA met prospective cooperation partners in energy field during...
SMILE partner Aalborg University attending SDEWES
Smile partner Aalborg University will be attending the 13th Conference on Sustainable Development of Energy, Water and Environment Systems - SDEWES Conference, to be held in Palermo from 30th of September till 4th of October. The conference will be dedicated to the...
Timeline for politics and civic engagement on SMILE at Samsø
In the first half year of the SMILE project, the project team on Samsø has examined different possible solutions for the installation of renewable energy plants (wind and/or solar power) and the sizes of them to fit the project aim of the establishment of a smart grid...
16th Annual Colloquium of the IUCN Academy of Environmental Law
SMILE project as a case-study to reflect on innovation, risk and resilience in the framework of the energy transition SMILE team is glad to announce that the University of Groningen, one of the project’s partners, participated in the 16th Annual Colloquium of the IUCN...
Photovoltaic plant to be built on Samsø
SMILE will implement an integrated energy system at the Ballen marina and its surrounds to meet the energy needs of the island. The Samsø island produces more electricity than it can actually consume owing to its offshore and onshore wind power plants. Currently,...
Madeira pilot coordinator
Achievements and future plans of ACIF-CCIM, current situation and overall experience within SMILE Project. Interview with Marco Vieira, Madeira pilot coordinator. Marco, could you please tell us something about your organization and your involvement in energy topics?...
SMILE 12th Month General Meeting
Main goals, achievements and future challenges: a year after the beginning of the project, SMILE partners met in Genoa (Italy) to discuss progress and next steps. On 29th and 30th May, SMILE 12th Month General Meeting took place in RINA headquarters in Genoa, Italy....
Innovative technologies and regulatory schemes accelerating islands’ decarbonisation
SMILE team attended EUSEW 2018 to disseminate the analysis of policy and regulation affecting islands’ decarbonisation On 6 June, second day of this year’s EUSEW Policy Conference, SMILE’s partner DAFNI Network organized in collaboration with the Government of the...
SMILE General Assembly in Madeira
On 12 and 13 October, the second General Assembly for the SMILE project took place. This time all participants got together in Madeira, one of the pilot islands. The meeting was hosted by the Madeira Chamber of Commerce and Industry (ACIF/CCIM) and the group...
Official launch of website of Horizon 2020 project ‘SMILE’
On Friday 29 September 2017, the website of the ‘SMILE’ project has officially launched. The Smart Islands Energy Systems (SMILE) is a unique project within the Horizon 2020 project as it has a main focus on three European islands; Madeira (Portugal), Samsø (Denmark) and the Orkney Islands (United Kingdom).
This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 731249.